I Map The day we dined here, there wasn't a soul under 40 - much the same age as the splendid line of vintage bottles displayed above the fireplace.
Reports of modern day tastings indicate that properly handled vintage bottles of this unique beer can still yield a complex (though somewhat faded) taste experience.
Tomorrow night I've a date with a certain vintage bottle of whiskey that's had my name on it all week.
Beer-paired food and vintage bottles of Dogfish's seasonal beers are available at their alehouses, as well as kegged offerings of their staple beers.
"I'll bet you a vintage bottle of wine this one does."
You can't back up a vintage bottle of wine.
Currently in New York, a nonvintage brut Champagne sells for $22 to $28; a recent vintage bottle from the same maker costs $10 or $12 more.
There's also an extensive wine list, which -includes some pricey vintage bottles.
We go back to Glass House, where you will take a long, hot shower while I open one of those very expensive vintage bottles stored in Daventry's wine cellar.
And miss the $12,000 in Rheingold archives (vintage bottles, posters and other eBay finds) along with that weird resin lamp sculpture of a male hand grasping a Rheingold?