Gloff had been listening all this while; his villainous face lit up and he struck his hands together.
With a look of concern on his villainous face, the corsair ran towards Badrang, calling out aloud, "Ahoy, matey.
He thrust his villainous face right up against Cynthia's tearful whiskers.
Who ever saw such an array of villainous faces?
His villainous, repulsive face and his mat of red hair scare Oliver, but he offers food and a bed to Oliver.
Otho's villainous face became mottled and purple.
His villainous face could not look anything but hide- ous, but somehow he managed to suggest honest amusement in his laughter.
A slow smile spread across Clogg's villainous face.
The shutter opened' and a villainous face glared out through the close-set iron bars.
Graypatch waved toward the mist-shrouded ditch, a look of injured innocence on his villainous face.