Over the years, the village has tried to maintain its separate identity from the prison.
For years, the village has been trying to tap tax dollars to help with the costs of educating severely handicapped children.
For three years the village has been trying to turn Mr. Carey's idea into reality.
Most villages are trying to get laws like that off the books, and we're adding one on.
One alternative use would be to drain a 5.2-acre waterfront site that the village is trying to buy.
The village has been trying for years to tap tax dollars to help with the costs of educating its disabled children.
But a film in which a village tries to repair a jar for 85 minutes doesn't qualify as exciting.
Today, this village of 46 families is trying to reinvent itself as a shrine to ecotourism.
"The village has tried valiantly to make a turnaround," he said.
That is how villages and towns try to hold on to substantial parts of their budgets.