Upon reaching the final day, both the elderly villages and the chief will seek for good foirtune by breaking eggs collected from the village.
In return, the company has threatened a legal battle if the village should seek to oust it.
And if fines are upheld, he said the village could seek to have them paid by its insurance company.
Later that year the village sought another state grant to allow the museum to renovate its third floor into an artists' dormitory.
The village does not seek medical information from male players.
The mayor and the village are seeking a new trial or the elimination or reduction of the award.
But the village sought a public school - and the state aid that would bring - for its disabled children, whose education is particularly expensive.
Once a plan is approved, the village will seek developers to invest in building projects and improvements.
And every year, more than 400,000 people continue to leave villages to seek opportunity in cities.
The village then sought and won its own school district.