The village then passed to the hands of the crown.
Eventually, the village passed a referendum to build parks on the property, thus putting an end to the housing development.
The village passed a law in 1965 that limits the size of a house to 1,800 square feet.
The villages passed in the darkness as we moved deeper into the Transylvanian mountains.
My village passed an ordinance 12 years ago to require a permit to remove any tree six inches in diameter or greater.
The entire village subsequently passed into the ownership of the local Water Board, but continued to decline.
The board negotiated the price down to $750,000 from $1.5 million, and the village passed a referendum to go forward.
In 1879 the village passed into the control of nearby Toitenwinkel.
The village later passed its own zoning regulations that banned the home synagogues.
Since then the village has passed several preventive laws.