Like a growing number of graduates, they are taking time away from school and the vigorous pursuit of a career.
Equally, the various regional organizations which have been created do not exclude the vigorous pursuit of national interests.
Both had limited success up to 1937-38 primarily from revenues earned from a vigorous and successful pursuit of freight business.
This does not mean embarking on extremely vigorous pursuits, although people in their 70s and 80s still run marathons!
From her father she inherited a natural ability for such vigorous pursuits.
International police cooperation and vigorous pursuit of drug traffickers are our common goal.
The vigorous pursuit of productive scientific and technological research and development.
At the same time, reports of more vigorous pursuit by the king's army came to them through stragglers.
"It's now a continued vigorous pursuit of the litigation."
All that argues for the vigorous pursuit of nuclear non-proliferation.