In these cases, mostly men, TGA has followed vigorous exertion.
The Mongolia, thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time.
This animal also had a rather short neck and robust projections of the back vertebrae for muscle attachment, indicating that the neck was use in vigorous exertions, probably during feeding.
Though its major sets and vistas have their blatant artificiality, there's nothing phony about the vigorous, sometimes jokey physical exertions on which "The Mask of Zorro" thrives.
Even if you are not climbing, if your plane ride takes you from sea level to 5,000 or more feet, you would be wise to avoid vigorous exertion, alcohol and cigarettes for a few days.
Thus, the doctor may suggest a stress test to see how your heart functions in vigorous exertion and to develop a personal exercise prescription.
Her figure was slim and solid; the vitality that flowed through her lithe muscles overshadowed the soreness that was there from the vigorous exertions of early evening.
The French, however, cannot imitate us in such vigorous exertions of the body, so that we seldom see them enter the lists.
What a rich and happy country would America be, were she, by a vigorous exertion, to reduce Howe as she has reduced Burgoyne.
Studies have found that vigorous exertion can increase the risk of heart attack anywhere from six to 100 times.