But that insight, which provides the most vigorous exchanges, is allowed to drift away.
The moment feels strange and scary, because Rudin thrives on vigorous exchange, and suddenly he's alone, unwanted.
It had been a fascinating experience, and the vigorous exchange of information and ideas had exhilarated him.
The fight today was a hard, grinding bout, characterized by vigorous exchanges between the two men, with Mercer repeatedly getting the better of them.
The small size of the classes, usually about 15 students, makes it possible to have a vigorous exchange of ideas at a high intellectual level.
Holyfield, who has never met a vigorous exchange he didn't like, was drawn into a slugging match by the second round.
Do you understand your right to freely and publicly engage in a vigorous exchange of ideas is at risk?
The panic on Wall Street also produced a vigorous exchange.
We should encourage a vigorous exchange of ideas and not fear disagreement.
Mr. Maxwell refused and there were "vigorous exchanges."