But by vigorous application he was able to complete the new work about the middle of the January following.
"But after all that brain work, it was still only vigorous application of a far different organ that first installed me in Mustafa's court."
By a vigorous application of his pole Hans sent us flying over the water.
The changing political realities in each country demand constant reassessment and a vigorous application of differentiation.
The job had required some rather vigorous applications of the wet terrycloth-and that rosy flesh had sustained quite a bit of stimulation.
When reviving finishes with solvents, work slowly, because vigorous or excessive application can remove the finish.
Mrs. Lexman was not in and neither the ringing at her electric bell nor vigorous applications to the knocker brought any response.
And the key to greater production is a wider and more vigorous application of modem scientific and technical knowledge.
Griffin Greene was "a man of intelligent aspect, quick apprehension, and a ready, vigorous application of his mind to any subject before him."
"Soviet pressure against the free institutions of the Western world is something that can be contained by the adroit and vigorous application of counterforce," he wrote.