Soon a vigilante mob of 500 formed to seek the Hell-at-the-Breech murderers, and eventually killed 5 men.
He believed the rumors he had heard in town: that The Shadow was the traitorous leader of the vigilante mob.
In the film a vigilante mob goes after the then-unknown killer in the woods.
However, the king's minister stirs up the passions of the people who rise up in a vigilante mob and kill Folco.
The gang was broken with the lynchings of ten of its members by vigilante mobs in 1868.
During the 1880s, a vigilante mob, organized like a fraternal lodge, killed a number of San Saba County settlers.
As evening fell on November 11, 1919, a vigilante mob began to form outside the jailhouse.
The jury failed to reach a verdict, and Cora was lynched by a vigilante mob.
Kleinman (Allen) is awakened from a deep sleep by a vigilante mob.
At a pier, they look out at the night, and the feeling is very romantic, until the vigilante mob ambushes them.