The theme of the film generally lends itself to one or the other so that the viewing experience fits in with it.
The special edition cut is designed for the best viewing experience in the true spirit of movie making.
The pair take viewers through a series of easy steps demonstrating how to set up a 3D television to get the optimal viewing experience.
To create a more active and immersive viewing experience when you're on the web.
Create an authentic viewing experience by making an old-fashioned cinema screen.
The venue remains small to keep make concerts an intimate viewing experience, much as it was in their early years.
Many of the new movie houses will offer moviegoers a viewing experience that they cannot get at home.
He shot the story in long, unbroken takes, which makes for a unique viewing experience.
This aspect of the online viewing experience is not, in itself, especially revolutionary.
It was the possibility of a lively communal viewing experience that inspired the series.