Most news media sites have tried to beef up their news content to meet viewer demands.
This was influenced in part by the sale of Fox Kids to Disney, but also due to viewer demand for such a television channel in Australia.
But it's more than viewer demand.
In January 2000, Ten Queensland revamped its news format in response to viewer demand for more local news.
In response to viewer demand, Discovery added combat on land and by sea.
A Haunting was revived due to viewer demand and returned with new episodes on October 12th 2012, which can be seen on the Destination America channel.
The format of this popular daytime/early peaktime show changed in series 6 to accommodate viewer demand to see more houses and more local information.
Stronger viewer demand for European productions and, above all, increased support for the sale of European productions would achieve better results than quotas.
Petty says, the segment "was extraordinarily popular and was initiated by viewer demand."
But Mr. Wax and other distributors report a modest growth in viewer demand for foreign films.