Mother, nothing I've viewed since the first day has been very important.
The 7 percent level had been viewed by market participants as the Fed's target for the funds rate since mid-December.
When viewed since the beginning of the year, most general equity funds still trail the S.& P. 500 index.
"These moves by the other countries can be viewed as adjustments to the dollar's appreciation since Memorial Day."
The strike is viewed as the most significant expression of student activism since 1968, when a similar movement was crushed by troops.
It was the most viewed episode of the season since its fall return with "Showmance".
Film of the explosion was kept secret in deference to the 861 casualties, but has been widely viewed since the war.
The original title sequence has not been viewed since Private Secretary's original run.
This is the first time the film has been viewed publicly since 1960.
The series finale was watched by 1.55 million viewers, the highest viewed episode since season four.