The film was viewed over 1,000,000 times within a matter of weeks.
It quickly rose to be the most viewed video of the day on the site within two days.
The public is able to view the trade center foundations from within them for the first time since Sept. 11, 2001.
During its first sixteen years, the station could be viewed only within the school.
The second number (known as shares) is how many households were expected to view the program, within the population.
It can be viewed within a 160-degree angle so that people sitting off to the side of the set still see a bright picture.
We made use of our contacts in the local business community and had two temporary offices to view within 24 hours.
Eyes had actually viewed the scene within the room.
To use this method one might walk through a building several times, viewing distinct places within it, in the same order each time.
While grand, the house is compact and its main attractions can be viewed within an hour.