We tend to view technology as a mysterious alien force, rather than as the sum of our improvisations, the activity that makes us human.
More than 7 out of 10 working women view technology as a critical factor in helping them attain higher salaries and better career opportunities.
A priestess who does not view technology as evil and therefore aids da Ponta in his studies.
One of the primary causes is the way we view technology as tools, something that can be put down and picked up again.
Hard determinists would view technology as developing independent from social concerns.
At one extreme is Calvino who views technology as the occasion for a radical reconception of the act of reading.
Amish do not view technology as evil, and individuals may petition for acceptance of a particular technology in the local community.
In addition, he recorded the sense of awe with which the Native Americans viewed European technology:
Harriot recorded the sense of awe with which the Native Americans viewed European technology:
According to Coupland, the novel "...presents a wide array of modes to view the mind, the soul, the body, the future, eternity, technology, and media."