A digital mammogram allows your doctor to view different parts of the breast without taking more images.
Then they loaded the purchases into the car, and went with free hands to view the delectable older parts of Comerbourne.
He lifted up the long folds of the nightgown to view the child's limbs and private parts.
The new unit at Ohi features a special room from with visiting members of the public can view various parts of the plant.
In addition, it supports filtering of data and split panes to view different parts of a worksheet at one time.
The pergolas throughout the garden are used to view different parts of the garden.
Managers can also be configured to view parts of an MIB.
"An observatory-lodge's smoke hole would be constructed to view certain parts of the heavens - such as the Pleiades."
Visitors can view parts of the apse of the Lazarium through trapdoors in the floor, just inside the main entrance.
A variety of formats may be created to view or update different parts of a database record.