The views of local residents and organisations need to be represented through membership or as users of the facilities.
In the oil industry, there is a strong sense of frustration with the views of coastal governors and residents.
Planning conditions dictate that in order to "hide" the road from view of local residents it will be built in a deep cutting.
We would never dream of beginning anything of this kind without gaining the views of local residents.
Mr Clegg is said to have an "open mind" over the proposal but is keen to consider the views of environmental campaigners and residents.
But sometimes, the artists have clashed with the conservative views of longtime residents.
The issue "is definitely not just airport access when you look at it from the point of view of residents here," Ms. Braton said.
Television sets are carted out of living rooms - often in full view of alarmed residents.
Because of the nature of the sample this study could not ascertain the views of residents themselves.
But he also said that the city should listen to the views of local residents, many of whom oppose the stadium.