They view marriage as ownership, and children as either competition or a substitute for their lover.
Consequently, these authors view open marriage as a "failed" lifestyle.
These couples may continue to view open marriage as a valid lifestyle for others, but not for themselves.
And 46 per cent of the under-25s said they didn't view marriage as their last romantic attachment.
Many of the students have parents who are divorced, he said, and the youngsters do not view marriage as lasting.
It must be obvious to you that I view marriage and relationship as in no way sequestered or "protected" from the rest of life.
"We view marriage as a jump down the rabbit hole, an absolute adventure," the bride said.
Other works by Milton suggest he viewed marriage as an entity separate from the church.
Gleason viewed marriage as a hindrance to her business life, and she never married nor had children.
College textbooks view marriage as especially bleak for women.