Although Kramer served on its first board of directors, his view of how it should be run sharply conflicted with the rest of its members.
Furthermore, the vendor's views on the design may conflict with the planning authority and meeting the requirements of both can be fraught with difficulty.
His reasons were that the methods used by astrologers were conjectural rather than empirical, and that the views of astrologers conflicted with orthodox Islam.
His views directly conflicted with Kim Bu-sik, a China-oriented confucian scholar.
This view conflicted with the view of the Catholic church that the world had a beginning in time.
She is not shy about doing just that, even when her views apparently conflict with those of a majority of the district's voters.
Even if his views don't conflict with Kyocera corporate values, they still demonstrate his lack of common sence.
Mr. Bernstein's views often have conflicted with those of Ms. Callies.
In 1972, she joined the Nation of Islam, but left the organization after three years in 1975 because her views on women's rights conflicted with theirs.
His views of the nature of Jesus, although not original, conflicted with the views held by Bishop Alexander of Alexandria.