The people in the roles were provided by a professional jury consultant, Jay Schulman, a sociologist, who analyzed the videotaped sessions with Mr. Hynes and his aides.
The President is willing to provide written answers to prosecutors' questions or to submit to a videotaped session.
He also observed, from his videotaped sessions, that patients would simultaneously send off signals of their unconscious anxiety.
On December 4, 1986, in a videotaped session with lawyers, he talked about his illness.
In 10 meetings, complete with videotaped role-playing sessions, he and the coach worked on making him appear more self-confident.
Participants in the semi-finals and finals also had to submit a longer videotaped stand-up comic session.
He returned to Paris in the late 1970's, and taught conducting in France and in videotaped sessions in Fribourg, Switzerland.
There were other comments, pro and con, similar to those from a videotaped session held last year, in which members of the focus group complained about steering effort, lack of performance and road noise.
In evaluating the videotaped sessions, the researchers found that some of the couples put the dispute behind them without effort, while other couples couldn't get past the conflict.
In the videotaped sessions, the buyers glumly detailed how "newspapers are too difficult to plan and buy."