A heart-thumping 33-second video titled "Ambush in Iraq" was shot from a vehicle attacked while speeding through traffic.
This crash was featured in a 1990 video titled "Champions of the Checkered Flag".
About a third of the session was devoted to watching an instructional video titled "Housekeeping for Historic Sites."
The second video, titled Birthplace, showed average American developing vehicles by unconventional means.
Brady also collaborated with Higa in a previous video titled "Bromance".
(This version was also featured in a pornographic video titled Electric Blue 26.)
A live video, also titled Rage Against the Machine, was released later the same year.
It was followed by another video, titled "Oye shava."
In 2009, the website released a video titled Everything is Terrible!
On May 16, she posted a video titled "Ready, Set, Smile!"