The Television Director (TD) operates the video switcher, which controls and mixes all the elements of the show.
This initial generation system was essentially a real-time four-channel video switcher.
The video switcher keeps track of which video sources are selected by the technical director and output to the main program bus.
The student volunteers learn the ins and outs of audio boards, camera control units and video switchers, while the network benefits from the students' ideas and projects.
These video sources are all controlled by a video switcher so that it appears to be a seamless video.
You know all the lights on the video switcher?
The video switcher hit a button, and a nicely drawn beer can in a frame appeared in the upper-right corner of the screen.
The technical director sits in front of the video switcher.
The video switcher is usually operated by one person called the technical director (TD) and is responsible for switching the video sources to air as directed.
In addition, sources could be played back simultaneously through a vision mixer (video switcher) to create more complex transitions between scenes.