The judges compared pairs of video snippets, simply reporting which they thought the better student, and were then clinically interviewed to elicit the reasons for their decisions.
That much is true, but a sender of a video snippet must have the software, and a digital video camera.
It has an extensive Web site for the show,, complete with video snippets.
But can grainy, YouTube-ish video snippets offer real insight into the nature of Mr. Cho's mental illness?
One thing everyone agrees with- it's not a good idea to show a bunch of video snippets of Bryant getting beneficial calls from the officials.
Prior to its release, a behind the scenes segment aired video snippets of Shannon doing ballet dancing.
There are also screens on the wall with a narrower range of dance videos, and one screen showing a rotating preselected sequence of video snippets.
Send a video snippet to the clowd.
As photographic evidence and video snippets posted on the Foo Fighters' Twitter page confirmed, he recorded and developed many guitar parts in the new songs.
Most campaigns update their Web sites daily and include video snippets and text of the candidates' speeches and other political news.