An updated version called Video Toaster 4000 was later released, using the Amiga 4000's video slot.
They are mostly in the form of video slots, but other forms of video gaming are present, such as poker, roulette, keno and now craps.
Most reel spinners take up to two or three coins at a time while video slots can take 45, 90, and even 500 credits at a time.
The popularity of such bonus rounds is why video slots have become the fastest growing casino game of the last decade.
And on video slots, reel strips can be programmed to be as long as needed to make the odds of the game hit at a desired percentage.
The prospect of video slots was even more enticing.
He turned this idea into a separate dedicated video slot, which could be fitted with a genlock card or other types of video processing cards.
Keno machines have followed the growth of video slots, increasing in popularity at the nickel level.
This also enabled handoff of the system control to a coprocessor slot device, and implemented the full video slot for add-on video devices.
The video slot presented clocks, all 12-bits of digital video, Genlock signals, and some control lines for use to add-on cards.