Within the limits of video resolution, the two figures appeared to be identical in every respect.
Once you get used to the low video resolution, though, you start to appreciate the waterfall.
The PC, which came earlier, at least initially did not have the video resolution or the processing power to handle a big screen.
This allows the blitter to operate on any conceivable video resolution.
The box is capable of outputting movies in 1080p/24, 1080i, 720p, 480p, and 480i video resolutions.
For the first time the game played at 60fps and doubled the old video resolution from 320x240 to 640x480.
Its size and positioning depend on the video resolution of each individual system connected.
For optimal performance, it may be necessary to adjust the video resolution or settings for your display.
The subchannels, which can number as many as three, have a typical video resolution of 480i at 4:3 aspect ratio.
This uncut episode was encoded in QuickTime 2.0 format at a video resolution of 320x226.