Armed with that decision, the Giuliani administration said it would act immediately to shut down 150 of the city's 180 video parlors and peep shows.
Most of the victims, many of them children, were killed in a floating video parlor.
You probably couldn't go broke operating a video parlor, she thought, unless you tried real, real hard.
The first business experience was in the train Vilnius-Kaunas, where he established the age of 17 the video parlor.
City officials have estimated that about 150 peep shows, topless bars and X-rated video parlors will be affected.
Those who have not mostly keep them at home, a number of parents say, forbidding visits to malls, video parlors and movies.
In Times Square, business in the video parlors was off as customers preferred the streets for their action.
After perhaps a stop at the market, an herb store or a video parlor, they quickly disappear into their homes.
It sounds like one of those confounded video parlors.