Films are taped from broadcast or cable television programs, or illegal copies are made from videos obtained legally at rental shops in Europe or the United States.
This video of an Iraqi test flight, obtained by Unscom some years ago, shows an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet aircraft.
A video obtained by The Guardian backed up protesters' claims that senior police officers tricked them, arresting them after assurances that they were being led to safety.
The latest video, obtained in Afghanistan two weeks ago, records a much more informal talk, apparently at a dinner with his supporters.
But ABC will now state that video obtained under those circumstances was purchased, Eileen Murphy, the spokeswoman for ABC News, said.
A YouTube user "newpigeonguy" demonstrates application of the harness and several videos thus obtained.
(The video above, first obtained by SportsGrid, shows a couple of players picking up chairs, before deciding better of swinging them.)
A video obtained by the Associated Press on 20 April 2007 shows a young boy, looking to be around 12 years of age, beheading a man identified as Nabi.
The video obtained by Mr. Sites has received sensational play around the world, particularly in the Arab news media.
The story unfolds via the introduction video, explanations of new technologies, videos obtained for completing secret projects, interludes, and cut-scenes.