With nothing better to do, I called out for the video news.
In her apartment she depolarizes the windows to full light, makes breakfast and watches the video news.
"We will present the controversy and different perspectives on it in the video news show that will accompany the mission," she added.
It produces and distributes about 1,000 video news releases a year, most commissioned by major corporations.
It is not clear if this video news was actually broadcast or merely posted online.
But drug companies make hundreds of video news releases a year that often blur the line between news and advertising.
The New York Times ran a retrospective article in 1995 on the impact of live video news.
The video news had a real taste for that sort of thing.
The related web site newsru.com carries textual, photographic, and video news from Russia.
So listen this Friday afternoon and you'll hear the latest video news.