The 15-minute video, "It's Your Call: Playing It Safe Around Guns," was produced by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, based in Newtown, Conn.
Online video of a talk based on Confession of a Buddhist Atheist.
They initially focussed on live performance events, but since 2003 their work has been predominantly film and video based.
Video Archive Animations and videos based on streaming video technology, ready for watching without long download time.
Animated short video based on peer-reviewed scientific research.
The program "Public Domain" is far too long, with videos (some done as pranks, a la "Spinal Tap") based on the idea of cameras in public spaces.
Discover news, videos and much more based on what your friends are reading and watching.
In 2009, the band's video based on the short film Ataque de Pánico!
Geetar93 (videos based on pop band Vital Signs, November 1993)
Animated short video based on peer-reviewed scientific research, with subject background article Watching out for Wild Salmon.