Nebraska continued its return to business as usual in its 49-0 victory over Baylor, led by Damon Benning's three touchdowns.
Dartmouth scored a series of victories, led by the team's open-weight women, who advanced in the Remenham Challenge Cup, the eight-oared event inaugurated in 2000.
The team had plenty of victories led by its star player Renos Antoniadis.
But Syracuse hung on for a 79-76 victory, led by two freshmen, Billy Owens and David Johnson.
Since then the Saints have reeled off six straight victories, led by Marcus Faison and Corey Osinski.
Eleven of Turkey's twelve players scored in the victory, led by Ömer Onan's 18.
Elections in Greece result in a narrow victory for the Center Union, led by Georgios Papandreou.
The election was an overwhelming victory for the Party of the Right, led by Émile Reuter, the sitting Prime Minister.
The result was a thorough victory, led by the goaltender who admits to a sinking feeling the day in 1993 he was traded from the Rangers.
It resulted in a decisive victory for the Zhao forces, led by General Li Mu, against the Qin invaders.