Meyer came home to a victorious nation just then nursing its nascent obsession with oversize headlights and tail fins.
A large proportion of operational civilian plants were dismantled and transported to the victorious nations, mainly France and Russia.
More boats were finished after the war and either destroyed or awarded to victorious nations.
As a result of the new borders drawn by the victorious nations, large populations suddenly found themselves in hostile territory.
At the war's end in 1945, however, the U.K. emerged as one of the victorious nations.
Daein, the war's instigator and eventual loser, and the victorious nation Crimea are still in the process of rebuilding.
A victorious nation rewarded them by plowing vast sums into educational opportunities that gave the cream of the survivors opportunities never before available.
When I bring her home, it will be to a victorious nation.
Once a war has ended, losing nations are sometimes required to pay war reparations to the victorious nations.
In certain cases, land is ceded to the victorious nations.