It was written to serve as a judicial guide for the viceregal authorities for the granting of privileges and offices to members of the Indigenous nobility.
The extent and the intensity of the movement took viceregal authorities by surprise.
The Spanish town of Huajuapan was founded in 1561 by order of the viceregal authorities in Mexico City.
Eventually, Tristano's greed and maltreatment of the natives here got the attention of viceregal authorities and he was stripped of the encomendero.
These settlers requested assistance from the viceregal authorities in Mexico City.
This was the first time in America that a woman exercised full viceregal authority.
Cuernavaca and Cuautla became high mayorships which answered directly to the viceregal authorities in Mexico City.
Gradually it usurped authority over these, and even came to exercise viceregal authority when the post was vacant and to grant exequatur for ecclesiastical acts.
This reasoning rested on laws then in force, yet had not applied for many years, and appeared as a threat to the viceregal authorities.
A turning point came later that year, when General Agustin de Iturbide rose against the viceregal authorities.