Santos is trying to figure out how to get his vice-presidential choice confirmed.
This would go down in my book as arguably the safest vice-presidential choice of the last 50 years.
On the subject of his own Vice-Presidential choice, he is surprisingly tentative.
Both candidates sought a religious advantage with their Vice-Presidential choices.
In the meantime, the rumors abounded on the Vice-Presidential choice.
But the Bushes always stick to their bad but deferential vice-presidential choices.
For all the warmth of their response, the delegates in the Staples arena know that a vice-presidential choice rarely makes a decisive difference.
Vice-presidential choices were not made beforehand; the selection of the presidential nominee was seldom sure until the convention had run its course.
It could help him become a Vice-Presidential choice.
On the national stage, Democrats saw Gary Locke as a possible vice-presidential choice.