There was a small mound in the center with a white stone Celtic cross in the middle of a mass of vibrant blue flowers.
Once he even had a bouquet of vibrant flowers that he used to flag me down, like an aircraft router guiding a plane to its gate.
Backed by cedars, hemlocks and rhododendrons, masses of these tall, vibrant flowers exhibit all the shades of the rainbow.
The landscape, with all its harsh beauty, its red dust and vibrant flowers, is as palpably present as any character.
Known for their vibrant flowers and fragrant scents, they are most commonly used in the production of deodorant and carnival masks.
The seed pod from an orchid with a vibrant yellow flower is the common vanilla bean.
My favorite mums are the carefree hardy Korean types, which have a relaxed, open habit and vibrant, single-petaled flowers with gold centers.
Its vibrant colored flowers can be seen carpeting fields and the sides of highways for miles in the summer to late fall.
He recognizes the vibrant flowers he never bothered to look at before, absorbing their beauty.
The healthy, vibrant flowers that greet you every day will be all the reward you need.