Only recently has it been developed into a commercially viable crop.
With their diet of mainly aquatic plants, marsh rabbits are considered minor agricultural pests to most economically viable crops.
Such plots were so small that the potato was the only viable crop that could be grown.
The Battle for Wheat diverted valuable resources to wheat production away from other more economically viable crops.
But after several generations, the offspring still had too many of the characteristics of the wild relative to make a viable crop.
Some crops, especially when planted in a monoculture situation, require a very high level of pollinators to produce economically viable crops.
Before 1905, relatively little estate land was planted as the owners searched for economically viable crops.
And when the price of food goes through the roof due to a loss of viable crops, I think things will turn around.
In an outside setting, wind or animals provide sufficient motion to produce commercially viable crops.
These offer farmers in many regions great potential for viable alternative crops while, at the same time, having a positive effect on the environment.