Whether these new lice came from viable eggs or via transmission from other hosts was not clear.
I have notified a pathologist to see if there is any way to prepare a tissue sample for review via transmission over the Internet.
These operators provide cable television service via microwave, satellite or other over-the-air transmission and are not regulated by the city.
Anthrax can enter a host via cutaneous transmission, inhalation, and consumption.
It's been a while since he's come to the farm, though we've kept in touch via transmission.
However, it is not clear if long-distance dissemination can occur via insect transmission.
He would simply be answering to his king rather than himself or, via long-distance transmission, to Xmary.
The Tribunal decides an average of 16 cases per day, usually from written documents, only rarely allowing testimony via holographic transmission.
The system enabled traders to receive and execute orders electronically via wireless transmission.
Wireless speakers operate via radio frequency or infrared transmission.