Boa constrictors can sense heat via cells in their lips, though they lack the labial pits surrounding these receptors seen in many members of the boidae family.
Notably, tumors are arrived at via proliferating cells.
Per se, all delicate and significant transmissions may perhaps be transported faster via fixed-sized cells, which are simpler to transmit compared to variable-sized frames or packets.
Nearly all lighthouses today, that are still being used, are automated to the extent possible with power often provided via solar cells and large batteries in inaccessible areas.
Whether cycling of Mg into the phloem occurs via general cells in the leaf (8) or directly from xylem to phloem via transfer cells (9) is unknown.
S. agalactiae invades via alveolar and pulmonary epithelial cells; newborns are especially susceptible to infection because they lack alveolar macrophages to prevent invasion.
Amelogenesis, or enamel formation, occurs after the first establishment of dentin, via cells known as ameloblasts.
This seems to occur via immune cells interacting with the peripheral nervous system and releasing pain-producing chemicals (cytokines and chemokines).
Solar power via photo-voltaic cells are usually the most expensive method to harnessing renewable energy, but is falling in price as technology advances and public interest increases.
One of the castles at the four corners - the northern one - stood alone, but the others were connected via small cells.