Vaffa quickly vetoed him, on the grounds that he did not have a good reputation.
He firmly vetoed the suggestion that the family motor to church, on the grounds that it was irreverent and in bad taste.
This was vetoed mainly on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment.
Governor Faubus vetoed the resolution on the grounds that the name change would defame a well known landing.
Madison issued four religious proclamations while President, but vetoed two bills on the grounds they violated the first amendment.
But Conway vetoed this on the grounds that it would only be in the water for fifteen minutes at most.
Jackson vetoed the bill on the grounds that federal funding of intrastate projects of this nature was unconstitutional.
On April 22, 1874, Grant unexpectedly vetoed the bill on the grounds that it would destroy the credit of the nation.
John vetoed the idea, on the grounds that it was too near Masham.
I wondered if Doc Tom would veto the idea on the grounds that asking for possible trouble wasn't smart.