On October 6, he stopped responding to veterinary treatment, and the decision was made to put him down.
In extreme cases, this causes the dog to collapse, and although not common, rapid veterinary treatment will be required under these circumstances.
In some instances, however, there could well be an underlying medical problem, which requires veterinary treatment.
He is provided with a bursary by alumni to cover his food and veterinary treatment.
After veterinary treatment, he was re-examined yesterday morning and pronounced ready for competition.
Only a small number of the animal land mine victims here receive veterinary treatment.
The remaining 18 required veterinary treatment for a period of two to three weeks.
But her dog, Oliver, died three days later, after $4,000 in veterinary treatment.
He received intensive veterinary treatment but his condition worsened and he died the following morning.
According to the Annual Report 04-05, 64,969 animals had been given veterinary treatment from their clinics during that year.