The zoo's veterinary team says the both Siberian tiger cubs suffered similar head trauma.
Dr. Carol McLeod, another member of the veterinary team, added, "It kept eating away the tissue.
He discusses, in clinical detail, the way the elephant went off her food a week ago Monday, and the efforts of the veterinary team to treat her.
The veterinary team tries its best to cure the little macaque.
Ely was eventually treated by the veterinary team and survived.
The veterinary team performed another surgery, and found that further adhesions had occurred, which were non-repairable.
Cherry Duff exclaimed in her raspy voice, swinging in accusation on the veterinary team.
It is not unusual to find hospital anaesthetists, radiologists, obstetricians and paediatricians assisting the veterinary team.
International Animal Rescue's veterinary teams in India and Indonesia routinely sterilize stray cats as means of reducing and controlling their populations.
Lori's love has changed MacDhui too, and they get married, making the perfect veterinary team.