April 30 - "Mother" Mary Maurice, veteran stage & film actress (born 1844)
By then approaching veteran stage, Draper added another 24 top flight appearances (with one goal against Middlesbrough) for the Saints before leaving the game.
Hull has produced a number of veteran stage and TV actors.
Steve Hodson, veteran stage and screen actor, who may be best known for his role as Steve Ross on the 1970s children's television series Follyfoot.
As the 1970s drew to a close, many star players had retired or were approaching the veteran stage, with no funds available to replace them.
"The producers are smiling," said Joe Grifasi, a veteran stage and screen actor.
But he was only a reserve in the final and now in the veteran stage seemed to lack the dash of some of the younger players.
More 'establishment'-style actors, some at the veteran stage of their careers, were also recruited for roles.
June 23 - Mary Boland, veteran stage & screen actress (b. 1880)
After returning from the Mexico World Cup, many of Northern Ireland's star players retired or were at least in the veteran stage.