A veteran of World War I, Demarest became a prolific film and television actor, working on over 140 films.
He was a veteran of World War I, serving in the French military.
His basement is a memorial to the veterans of World War I and II.
My mother's father, a veteran of World War I, shot himself when my mother was 12.
There were about eighteen members, mostly veterans of World War I, and also many county employees.
He was a veteran of first World War I, an experienced outdoors man, mule driver and fossil collectror.
Aldington, a veteran of World War I, claimed that his novel was accurate in terms of speech and style.
Fiercely proud, like the veterans of World War I and II?
Stovall knows how to use "red tape", telling Savage he is a veteran of World War I and in civilian life, an attorney.
(Ross, a veteran of World War I, was by comparison a model of maturity.)