Dias befriends two Roman officers, a veteran named Bothos and a young Roman soldier named Thax.
A veteran named Mike breaks down on camera as he recounts a terrible scene of his comrades blown up in battle.
Battle, however, did have some help with three veterans named to pre-season award watchlists.
His sergeant, a veteran named Magnulf, nodded approval, saying, "Very efficient, Leudast."
Cited twice for heroism and mentioned in dispatches three times, then, as a seven-year veteran, named to the bodyguard of the High Lady Tuon upon her birth.
The music video was directed by Jack Cole, and was the first of three Travis Tritt music videos that tell the story of a veteran named Mac Singleton.
A veteran of Alexander's army, named Damis, helped the besieged Megalopolitians to defend themselves against the elephants and eventually Polyperchon was defeated.
Rick "The Bunk" Requer was the basis for Detective Bunk Moreland in the series and in episode four of season five Roscoe Orman played a veteran named Oscar "Rick" Requer .
In the case of a veteran named Donald, it's the aftereffects of Vietnam that prevent him from connecting with his wife and son: he tries regaling them with horrific stories from the war, but finds that the tales breed less sympathy than fear.