The Honduran Navy patrols these areas and all private vessels transiting Honduran territorial waters should be prepared to be hailed and possibly boarded by Honduran military personnel to verify documentation.
In addition, the Qing court established the Hengchun lighthouse (now Oluanpi lighthouse) for the protection of the Taiwan Strait and vessels transiting the Bashi Channel.
While there is no native population close by, the site was frequently visited by vessels transiting the area.
Several vessels transiting Lake Michigan were caught with little warning.
In August 2012, Russian media source reported that 85% of vessels transiting the Northern Sea Route in 2011 were carrying gas or oil, and 80 percent were high-capacity tankers.
This would have lowered the level of Gatun Lake and reduced the allowable draft for transiting vessels, which would have resulted in fewer vessels transiting the canal.
Supertankers, one of which displaced more water than all of the warships in the now-designated TF-61.1 combined, were merely the best-known vessels transiting the area.
According to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, a coastal state has no authority over vessels transiting along its coastline flying the flag of another state and outside its territorial waters.
The fleet typically has a number of frigates and destroyers assigned, as well as those vessels transiting between the East Coast and the Suez.
It is especially used as a nautical term to mean the dredged and marked lane of safe travel which a cognizant governmental entity guarantees to have a minimum depth across its specified minimum width to all vessels transiting a body of water (see Buoy).