Their new vessel could slide through the waves as light as a sea nymph.
Gart shivered as the ominous vessel slid past.
Yet as the vessel slid into Old Harbor, it began to show signs of slowing down.
The vessel was already sliding beneath the surface as the shock wave reached them, a disk of pure white sea-froth and a wall of shrieking, hurricane winds.
The vessel slid crazily to the side, dropping between two rolling swells.
Shrouded by a dense fog, the vast white vessel slid silently into the bay this morning and anchored far from shore, like a ghost ship unwilling to be noticed.
All he could do was reduce speed to a snail's pace as the vessel slid in among the armored terrors.
Those vessels closest slid one way, plunging down the enormous slope of the form's streaming hair; those on the outer circle, as we were, tipped the other.
For a moment, the two vessels slid sideways, locked in a hateful embrace.
But before they knew it, another alien vessel had slid onto their viewscreen.