Approaching the narrowest part of the pass, the vessel swung sideward and did not respond to steerage.
It is known that embryonic vessels respond to increases in pressure by increasing the diameter of the vessel.
A Romulan vessel must have finally responded to Sekar's signal.
This is because the stiff vessel quickly responds to the sea as it attempts to assume the slope of the wave.
Fortunately, seven vessels responded to distress calls, participating in what became a six-hour rescue effort.
His ungainly vessel responded, swinging heavily across the current.
The smaller vessel apparently was following an unacceptable approach vector and did not respond to the dispatcher?
Unidentified vessel approaching- does not respond to hailing frequencies.
The pursuing vessel still does not respond to our hail.
On Kirk's order, Enterprise moved again, and again the unseen vessel responded with a series of moves.