Other vessels replaced them, darting out of the nebula, firing freely, rapidly.
The vessel it replaced sustained heavy damage after sinking under the weight of a heavy snowfall and then as a result of salvage efforts.
This vessel replaced the other two original, smaller, Gosport ferries.
The latter vessel replaces the former when the former is out of service.
This vessel replaced and ex Admiralty MFV of the same name.
The new vessels will replace both the Iroquois-class and the Halifax-class beginning in the late 2010s.
Because the vessels will replace eight older vessels, the CCG fleet will increase by only one vessel.
The use of hot shot dates back centuries and only ceased when vessels armored with iron replaced wooden warships in the world's navies.
This vessel, which became the Freedom Ferry, began operating in 2003 and eventually replaced the original vessel.
Later, simpler vessels replaced to some extent the dove and the tower.