The attacking vessel rammed its target, embedding the barbed torpedo in its hull, then backed off.
Either a vessel rammed the pipe, Mr. DiCorcia said, or it simply ruptured on its own.
Chinese indignation over the incident was compounded after a Taiwanese military vessel accidentally rammed and sank a fishing boat on which 50 mainland Chinese were being repatriated.
For that matter, even an unarmed vessel could ram.
The Liberian-flagged vessel, Celebration, rammed a Cuban freighter on Feb. 10, slicing it in half and killing three of its crew members.
Gly rams this vessel with the hydroplane.
The vessel canted to the left and at twelve knots rammed into the bank, buckling the bow and flipping the submersible onto its side.
According to CNN reporter Penhaul an Israeli vessel rammed the motor yacht, causing heavy damage.
McKinney said that the Israeli vessel had rammed the boat "approximately three times, twice in the front and once in the side".