The lumbering vessel lurched from its course and gained altitude as quickly as its bulk would allow.
The giant vessel lurched as if it had run into thick turbulence.
Once more, the sail flapped loose from the long yard and the vessel lurched, spinning.
A vessel pushing through ice can lurch suddenly, pitching an unaware passenger onto his or her nose.
The little vessel reeled and lurched over a grey sea; the low grey clouds flew past hardly above the mast.
The vessel lurched up and down from trough to crest, constantly leaning at twenty-five degrees away from the wind.
The vessel lurched slightly under the impacts and spun slowly around.
The man fell across the tiller, shoving it over, and the vessel lurched, staggering Mat.
The vessel was now lurching nose downward, as that unbelievable wave sucked it in.
The vessel lurched, yawed dangerously and finally stood on its tail.