I deemed him dead these eighteen years,' she gasped; 'drowned in the Indian seas where his vessel foundered.' '
Under the storm's pounding, the vessel lost power, foundered, and began to sink.
He was right in his assessment as the vessel subsequently foundered in the Bay of Biscay with the loss of all hands.
The vessel foundered in 59 42N/11 58W on 3 January 1942.
Fortunately, all of the passengers and some of the cargo were safely removed before the vessel foundered.
Over the last 200 years over 200 vessels have foundered near Anholt.
As its passengers crossed over from one boat to the secon done, that vessel, too, foundered, a survivor told rescuers.
There were some 700 members among these ships, but since that period the vessels have foundered.
The vessel foundered in breakers throwing spray mast-high and began to disintegrate.
Other followers were not so lucky as several vessels foundered during the voyage, consigning hundreds of Janssonists to the deep.